Learning Begins With Us

Yana Institute Of Technology is an educational institute working in partnership with Orion EduTech of India. Orion EduTech is the biggest ISO 9001:2008 Certified online training facility in India. It is supported by the Indian government through the National Skills Development Corporation. Orion provides learning content for our students through their modern state of the art ISO 9001:2008 certified platform. We offer over 57 technical skills courses at very affordable prices. This is achieved through a blended type of learning in which online classes are combined with offline classes to give the learners a complete experience and exposure.

Best performing students are given 100% scholarship to go to India for further training and internship.
We offer support to our students from inception to the time of assimilation into industry. These courses
are designed to help the student’s poses skills which are directly applicable to society hence giving them a chance at self-employment and sustainability.
We have recently included the Zambian school curriculum to our catalogue. This has in turn given school going pupils a learning and revision platform.

Yana Institute of Technology at a Glance
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Current Enrollments
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Qualified Staff
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Curriculum Overview

Yana Institute of Technology aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant to activities they may be required to undertake in the real world.

Computer/ Phone Repair

We provide hands-on experience in computer and cell phone repair with the lates technologies and softwares. We ensure that the gap between theory and practical is drastically reduced.


Training beauticians and giving them a chance to excel as a career or hobby. We help them to elevate their imaginations and equip them with entreprenueral skills to turn their skills into a source of income.


We offer short courses in tomato farming, fish farming, banana growing etc. We believe two things hold the future, agriculture and technology and as such, we strive to make them move forward.

Digital Marketing

This is one of the fastest growing fields in IT and presents an opportunity for new industry entrants to participate in the growth of businesses. It ecompasses SEO, Social media, Graphic design etc.


Also offer Online GCE revision lessons in preperation for the examinations. Our expirienced tutors tackle exam questions and provide unique strategies.

Networks And Data

The digital world runs on data and data mining has become an integral part of this ecosystem. Data is transmitted through networks and hence the need to offer courses like CCNA, N+ etc.

Service Centers

Our students also benefit from our initiative of having services centers in strategic places to provide maintenance and repair sercives. 

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